Join The 5 Day Inventors Bootcamp

Get The Secret 3 Step Process That Helped Me Sell My Invention In Over 10,000 Stores As A Licensed Allstar Product And Made It Onto QVC and HSN!

It's Time You Join the 5% of 
Inventors Who Succeed

It's Time You Join the 5% of Inventors Who Succeed

(Happening October 14 -18, 2024)

How Do I Make Money With My Invention?

You've got LOTS of invention ideas. Or maybe ONE great idea ...

What do you do next? You've got SO many questions...
  • Which product has the best chances of success? 
  • What should I say in my product pitch?
  • How do I get marketers to see that my product is clearly better than competitors?

My Journey As An Inventor

My name is Alan Beckley - inventor of the Wonder Wallet - host of the Inventors Helping Inventors podcast. 

But... for a long time my inventor's journey was more like an expensive hobby - than a profitable business.

Can you identify with this?

Inventing is a journey - and it's not an easy one for most inventors. 

Does This Sound Familiar?

Does This Sound Familiar?

Making money with your invention is tough.

The market is BRUTAL - 80% of all new products fail within the first year - remember Google Glass?

Most inventors find it daunting to keep up with huge up-front expenses, including prototypes, packaging, and patent expenses.

As a passionate inventor, you began a journey - to bring a new innovative product to the world to benefit millions of buyers. Right?

If you're like most inventors I work with... Late at night... doubts and fears creep into your mind.

That Voice In Your Head Is Always Whispering...

  • Are you on the right track?
  • What should you be doing?
  • Why are we always told it's not for us?
  • ​Can you afford to keep spending money on it?
  • ​How can you finally make money?

Inventors keep telling me...

  • If they just work harder designing their 20th prototype
  • Searching for the RIGHT contact who will get them into stores
  • Or find invention marketers who can help them, but charge $10,000 or more

We all know THAT story ends badly.

The Cold Hard Truth Is...

If you keep doing what you've always done - you'll keep getting what you've always gotten.

You must solve this problem - or your invention - will gather dust in the garage.

Because you couldn't keep putting $$$ into what seems a losing cause. Right?

What's you really need - isn't more money or effort - but a better strategy.

A simple change of direction that will lead to better results. Right?

Aaron Krause threw his sponge product into a dusty bin for 6 years before  resurrecting it with a new approach.

It went on to sell and make $700 million in retail stores as the Scrub Daddy. 

Are you ready for some good news - a new approach that ACTUALLY works?  

How about a simple solution - used by successful inventors on my podcast - the V-E-M Marketing Process.

The V-E-M Marketing Process

Like many inventors, I struggled for years trying to get my thin-wallet invention noticed by marketers.

I sold anywhere I could - at flea markets, military bases, and online. I made a living -but it wasn't easy!

I finally recognized what marketers actually cared about... and what they wanted to hear from me.
I developed a simple, 3-step - V-E-M Process - that any inventor can use!

Marketers loved it and I got results!

  • I landed a deal to sell on QVC
  • I signed a DRTV deal (Direct Response TV)
  • My invention sold $30 million in stores
  • ​I finally quit my day job - forever

The V-E-M Process simply WORKS:

  • It worked for the 150 inventors that I interviewed
  • It has worked for Bootcamp students too!
  • Keith Lawrence got a license deal
  • ​Darryl Carter got investor funding

V-E-M will work for YOU too!

V-E-M will work for YOU too!

When you enroll in The Inventors Bootcamp

  • You'll be guided through the 2 step by step blueprints
  • And shown how to put the V-E-M process to work for you right NOW
  • Every class is LIVE and INTERACTIVE

What If You Miss A Class?

No problem! All classes are recorded and you will get full access to the replays!

Ready to join the 5% club of successful inventors?

  • 5 days of LIVE Zoom training
  • Each day at 7 p.m. Eastern Time 
  • Happening October 14 -18, 2024
Don't put this off for another day, month, or year!

Don't put YOUR dreams on hold any longer.


Total Value: $2,500+

Today For Only $47

Welcome To The Inventors Bootcamp

In this 5-day bootcamp you'll get crystal clear on the three most important steps in your inventing business:

  • VALIDATE - your product against successful products - making sure it's your HERO product
  • EVALUATE - and differentiate your product vs competitors - define its clear benefits
  • MARKET - it effectively with a great 30-Second Pitch - Your Slam-Dunk Pitch

From validating and getting behind your BEST product - to creating your perfect 30-second Slam-Dunk pitch. 

By the end of our time together - you’ll have a step-by-step plan locked in,
so you can finally stop wondering about what to do next - and start:

  • Pitching your product successfully
  • Landing deals, and...
  • Living the life of a successful inventor! 

Imagine the EXCITEMENT you'll feel - seeing YOUR invention selling in stores everywhere!

Are you ready to get started now?

Here’s What You’re Getting Inside the Bootcamp: 

5 Days of Live Training to Take You From “How Do I Get Started?” to "I'm Ready to Pitch!" ($997 Value)

Each day at 7 p.m. Eastern, I'll be LIVE inside Zoom to help you work through the key ingredients.

I've taken the lessons learned from my own business and distilled them - into the key steps you can take RIGHT NOW - to get your invention on the fast track towards licensing.

It's Time To Cut Years Off Your Learning Curve

Never Miss A Class

Have all videos sent to your email for you to watch!

Get Full Value

Get 100% of the value by getting full access to all content, just like any other student!

Here's A Sneak Peek Of What You Can Expect

Day 1: Sharing Your Product - to Gain Valuable Ideas from Other Inventors - while Protecting Your IP

You're thinking, "How can I possibly share my product with other inventors - without divulging my valuable Intellectual Property?"

Here's how! On Day 1, we’re going to show you a simple way - to talk only about benefits - so that NONE of your IP will be divulged.

Preserving ALL your patent rights - while allowing you to share with others in the bootcamp - gaining valuable ideas and insights!

This approach is patent attorney approved!

This session will be recorded so you can watch it as often as you want!

Day 2: Discover the Secret - 7 Crucial Criteria that Drive Product Success

You'll discover the 7 Crucial Criteria - essential to every successful invention - that most inventors don't know.

During Day 2 - you'll dive into creating a customized 7 Criteria blueprint that ranks your products - to find your best product idea - before you spend thousands on a Zero product that can't succeed.

At the end of this training, you'll have ranked all your product ideas accurately - so you can focus on your best Hero product.

This session will be recorded so you can watch it as often as you want!

Day 3: How to Easily Validate and Differentiate Your Best Invention Idea

In Day 2, you learned how rank each product idea using 7 Crucial Criteria of every successful product. From that, you selected your perfect product idea.

In Day 3, you'll use your product rating grid to Validate and differentiate ideas - so you'll know you've chosen the best one to move forward with.

If you came to the bootcamp with just one product idea - you'll Evaluate it - to ensure you're on track to success.

No more guessing on product ideas - simply because you like it! We'll get to the nitty gritty - so you know you've made the right decision.

This session will be recorded so you can watch it as often as you want!

Day 4: Keys to Differentiate Your Product vs Competitors - Make it Shine

Now that you've accurately chosen your best product idea, it's time to start designing your Marketing - your Perfect Pitch for that product!

Marketers don't tell you this - you must have a compelling 30-second marketing pitch. Let's make sure your pitch is great!

You'll work through a customized blueprint - to assess your top 3 competitors - then determine your key differentiating features.

Differentiating against competitors is crucial to creating a great 30-Second Pitch for your product.

This session will be recorded so you can watch it as often as you want! 

Day 5: The Secret to Creating Your 30-Second Pitch That Sells

Time for action! In Day 5 training - we’re going to be combining your perfect product - from Day 2 and 3 - with knowing and differentiating your key competitors' product offerings from Day 4.

We'll develop a benefits 'grid' that so you can pinpoint your product's advantages vs competitors in the market. With these benefits, we'll walk through designing your customized 30-Second Pitch.

Whether your goal is to license or to pitch to QVC, you’ll leave this training with a compelling Slam-Dunk pitch to make it happen.

This session will be recorded so you can watch it as often as you want!

Access to our Private Facebook Group for Support and Accountability ($99 Value)

Time for action! In Day 5 training - we’re going to be combining your perfect product - from Day 2 and 3 - with knowing and differentiating your key competitors' product offerings from Day 4.

We'll develop a benefits 'grid' that so you can pinpoint your product's advantages vs competitors in the market. With these benefits, we'll walk through designing your customized 30-Second Pitch.

Whether your goal is to license or to pitch to QVC, you’ll leave this training with a compelling Slam-Dunk pitch to make it happen.

This session will be recorded so you can watch it as often as you want!

PLUS over $1,000 of additional bonuses, including… 

Bonus #1 : Lifetime Access

Lifetime Access to The Training Records

Total Value $397

Each of our training sessions will be uploaded to your course portal, so you can revisit them when you're making adjustments to your best product, refining key benefits, and your Slam-Dunk Pitch. 

Or perhaps, you're beginning to work on another product. 

Get This For FREE When You Claim Your Ticket To The Bootcamp Today!

Get This For FREE When You Claim Your Ticket To The Bootcamp Today!

Bonus #2 : Bootcamp Resources

Blueprints and Templates for Your Perfect Product and Your Pitch

Total Value $397

I'm handing over customized Blueprints and Templates to help you get all your top product ideas and your product pitch - out of your head and into writing in one place - where you can access it and refine it whenever you need.

No more forgotten late-at-night ideas that never get written down!

Get This For FREE When You Claim Your Ticket To The Bootcamp Today!

Get This For FREE When You Claim Your Ticket To The Bootcamp Today!

Bonus #3 : Sales Training

Bonus Master Class: 7 Keys to Your Successful Licensing Deal

Total Value $397

By the end of the bootcamp you'll be ready to deliver your 30-Second Slam-Dunk Pitch. But what is the next step forward in your invention journey?

Licensing your product! So you can make money from it!

In this bonus Master Class, you'll learn exactly why licensing is more lucrative than venturing. You'll learn the one secret you must know to succeed - that most inventors don't know - that took me years to learn.

You'll finish the bootcamp with a great bonus - that gets you to the next step in your business - licensing!

This Master Class will be recorded so you can watch it as often as you want!

Get This For FREE When You Claim Your Ticket To The Bootcamp Today!

Get This For FREE When You Claim Your Ticket To The Bootcamp Today!

Bonus #4 : Mindset Training

Bonus Master Class: 3 Mindset Hacks for Dealing with Setbacks!

Total Value $297

Inventing is like an obstacle course - where overcoming one obstacle leads to yet another! Your friends will never understand your motivations: what you do and why you do it. Right?

That's what makes inventing so lonely! It's why most inventors just give up after facing a few big setbacks.

In this class, I'm going to address limiting beliefs that are holding you back. I'll give you 3 Mindset Hacks to keep you moving forward through the tough times.

You'll come away with a game plan to keep your mind and emotions in-sync moving onward and upward!

This Master Class will be recorded so you can watch it as often as you want!
Leave those limiting beliefs behind - once and for all!

Get This For FREE When You Claim Your Ticket To The Bootcamp Today!

Get This For FREE When You Claim Your Ticket To The Bootcamp Today!

Get Step-By-Step V-E-M Training 
For Just $47! 

Get Step-By-Step 
V-E-M Training 
For Just $47! 

When you sign up for The Inventors Bootcamp, you'll get...

  • 5 days of live training on how to nail down your Hero product and design your perfect 30-Second Pitch That Sells ($997 Value)
  • Access to the pop-up training Facebook Group where I'll be answering your questions as you lock in your perfect pitch ($99 Value)
  • BONUS: Lifetime Access to the training recordings so you can revisit whenever you need to dive back into your pitch strategy ($397 Value)
  • ​Customized Blueprints and Templates to help you lock in your best Hero product and your Perfect 30-Second Pitch ($397 Value)
  • ​Bonus Master Class - 7 Keys to Your Successful Licensing Deal - so you can finally profit from your invention ($397 Value)
  • ​Bonus Mindset Master Class So You Can Cancel The Limiting Beliefs That Are Stopping You From Moving Forward Now ($297 Value)

Total Value : $2,500+

Today For Only $47

What Past Students Say

"For anyone considering joining the bootcamp, just do it!" - Robert Egnoski

It's very affordable, it's worth much more than you'll pay. And you're going to have one of the best mentor-coaches in the industry guiding you each step of the way! 

"Experiences, and trusted resources kept me excited." - Rhonda Mason

Prior to joining The Inventors Bootcamp, I wasn't sure if my idea could even become a product people would buy. In the Bootcamp, I got help from Alan and other students that rejuvenated my spirits, allowing me to craft a clear plan to market my product and to find prototypers and others to help me. Thanks, Alan!

"Loved meeting and collaborating with fellow inventors." - Donna Lee

What I liked most about the bootcamps I've attended - is being able to meet fellow inventors from all over the world. We get to share ideas and collaborate with each other and Alan. Best of all, I always learn something new!

- Donna has attended 6 bootcamps so far!-

"If you're an inventor - this bootcamp is the place to be!" - Sean Mayfield

What I found to be very valuable - straight up - was Alan's training. It was very straight forward. Alan taught well and presented a great program for everyone to understand clearly. It was clear to me that - if you are an inventor - this bootcamp is the best place to be! 

Student Success Stories

Keith Lawrence - Just signed a License Deal for his fishing gear!

Keith Lawrence was an avid student in our October and November bootcamps.
He just signed a licensing deal with a large fishing gear company in July.

He said what he learned in the bootcamps was invaluable to him and a catalyst helping him to move forward and license his product.

Congratulations, Keith! 

Darryl Carter - Secured investor funding for his new medical device!

Shortly after attending the January bootcamp, Darry Carter pitched his product, using the knowledge he got from the bootcamp.

The investor was very impressed and said that Darryl had presented him with exactly the information he needed to make an investment in the product.

Darryl is very excited to be moving forward with the investor.

Congratulations, Darryl! 

Rhonda Mason - Filed a PPA, Trademark - working prototype nearly done!

Rhonda Mason has attended 10 bootcamps. She took what had been only an idea, took advantage of guidance, advice, and resources and transformed her idea into a real product!

She was able to file a PPA and a trademark on her innovative, beautiful bathroom accessory.

She used what she learned in the Bootcamp to create a great 30-Second Pitch for her product and is now ready to present her product for licensing.

Congratulations, Rhonda! 

Here Is My 10x Guarantee

Yes, I 100% guarantee that you will love this bootcamp.

If after the end of Day 3 you feel like you haven't gotten at least 10X the value of your investment ($470 in money making content, ideas and instructions) I will happily refund your investment in full.

Email us by 8:59am EST on Day 3 (Wed 10/16) for a full refund.

Sound fair?


You Must Act Fast!


Hi, I'm Alan - your Bootcamp coach.

I sold my products on QVC and HSN, in thousands of retail stores, allowing me to travel the world to exotic destinations like the Great Wall of China, Great Barrier Reef and take my kids to Machu Picchu!

But had you told me back in 2012 that my fledgling wallet invention would pay me royalties so I could have true time freedom... I WOULD NOT have believed you. Because I felt SO LOST for so many years trying to grow my business!

But all my trials and tribulations - and years of struggle led to a life that allows me to use my time the way I choose - TIME FREEDOM.

And I'm so excited to share my experience with you so you can grow your inventing business too! 

YES! Sign Me Up For The Inventors Bootcamp RIGHT NOW For Just $47.00 !

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